Online Poker Tells
In poker “tells” are actions or gestures by players in reaction to a specific circumstance. This predominately unconscious cues can result from a player trying to disguise the strenght or weakness of their hand, as a result of insecurity or uncertainty or base emotions like fear or anger. They can be interpreted by an astute observer/s and utilised to gain and edge over an opponent. In a live game tells take on physical form-looks, gestures and other actions. In online poker rooms such things are impossible to deduce.
For online players the key to the tell is often in the speed: how quickly your opponent acted either individually or in response to another’s action. This can speak volumes about that person’s hand. When players are dealt a hand they may opt to select their next action( fold, check, call, raise and so on). Depending on the type of player/s and which option they …
Online Poker Player Arrested
When the stakes are high in poker this can have an impact on a player’s emotions. The majority of poker players handle their emotions pretty well but not Mesbah Khaffaji.
Khaffaji who was gambling at the Bicycle Casino in Bell gardens was arrested by the Bell Gardens Police Department due to misconduct on Sunday evening. He allegedly spat in the face of a dealer at the Casino. His bad behaviour could be attributed to the way the game was developing.
Police official Sergeant Brendan Kirkpatrick reckons the incident worsened after Khaffaji lost a hand at the No-Limit poker table he was playing at. The question one has to ask: Does it happen often? Yes, according to Kirkpatrick as reported by The Los Angeles Times. “People get heated when large sums of money are at stake and lost, as a result people can’t control their emotions.”
It’s most likely that gamblers have seen this type of aggressive behavior on television …