Video Poker: How To Determine Your Risk Tolerance

When gambling online, video poker is hands down my favorite casino game. It involves a certain element of risk and one of the few games where a skilled player can beat the house consistently.
In this article I’m going to tell you how to determine your risk tolerance when playing video poker online since it takes into account the amount of cash you’ve spent and winning. Risk stems from the Latin word riscare which means to dare. So, what exactly is risk tolerance? In layman’s terms it describes how much money you are prepared to lose before you start panicking.
Most people normally consult a financial consultant before they purchase shares or before they invest into a project. This person guides you by pointing out the risk/s and the possible return on your investment. Nowhere is this concept better illustrated than on the casino floor. To become a successful video …
Video Poker Return Percentages:One-Eyed Jacks And Five Aces

In this article I’m going to focus on the return percentages of new video poker games such as One-Eyed Jacks, Jacks or Better and Fives Aces.
What Are The Odds?
Numerous books have been written on video poker and some of them barely scratch the surface. Each game comes with a myriad of paytables and different strategies. To a certain extend it can be a bit confusing at times especially if one takes into account the cashback, promotions and trying to establish which games offers you more bang for your buck.
On electronic games such as slots machines and video poker, the odds are measured by return percentage. The return percentage on most games account for less than 100 percent-this is how the casinos make their money. In some video poker games the return can be more than 100%, in layman’s terms it simply means that a skilled player has …
How to Play Video Poker Online

The game of video poker is based on the game of five-card draw. It is played on a machine which displays the cards pretty much like a computer game.
Aside from slots machines, video poker is one of the most popular games played online and in land-based settings. Understandably so, since the game offers reasonable odds and it is semi-skilled. In this article I’m going to discuss the basics of this wonderful game and provide some valuable tips.
The Ins-And-Outs of Video Poker
What exactly does video poker entail? The player bets against the machine, which acts as the dealer and the banker. The object of the game is to get the highest possible poker hand. The game of video poker differs from games such as slots machines since the outcome of the game is affected by the player’s skill.
Winning hands are paid in a fixed return and displayed …
Slots And Video Poker What Are The Odds?
Slots machines and video poker are the most heavily trafficked casino games. In the case of slots, part of their attraction is the pursuit of a lucrative jackpot with no more than a single effort in dropping in a few coins and pressing the button. There are a vast number of slot games. From the looks of things it seems that every film, television or board game franchise has one. Today there are many fantasy themed games such as Spiderman, Batman, Fantastic Four, X Men, The Incredible Hulk, just to name but a few. These games are spread across a variety of bookmakers.
The ‘infinite’ choice could be seen as a deliberate ploy by online casinos to entice punters. Strictly speaking there’s a slot machine for every player palate. Another effect of having so many slots is that, if you had a losing run on one game, you could always …